Diversity data 2015
Anderson Law LLP is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). The SRA requires regulated firms to collect diversity data from their employees (though the employees are not required to provide that data), and to publish the data that is collected, or a summary of it.
As Anderson Law is a small firm, publishing full details runs the risk of disclosing personal data about individuals. Therefore we have decided to publish a selected summary in relation to the lawyers who provided data to us early in 2015. Please note that we have recruited further staff since the survey was conducted.
The key diversity statistics are:
- Age. We have 2 staff in the age range 25-34, 4 in the range 35-44, 3 in the range 55-64.
- Gender. We have 3 female and 6 male members of staff.
- Disability. None of our staff reported a disability.
- Ethnicity. 5 of our staff reported that they were in the White British category, 4 staff reported in other categories.
- Religion. As a significant number of our staff reported in the category “prefer not to say”, we do not propose to publish further details on this statistic.
- Sexual orientation. Given the small size of our firm and the need to protect individuals’ privacy, we do not propose to publish this information.
- Secondary school. 5 of our staff attended state school, 3 attended a private UK school, and one attended school outside the UK.
- University attendance. 3 of our staff were the first generation of their family to attend university, and 6 were not.
- Caring responsibilities. Some of our staff have declared that they have caring responsibilities for children, others have declared that they have not. In view of the small size of the firm, we do not propose to publish responses in relation to caring for adults.