A’isha Waldron

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 858 878
Email: enquiries@andlaw.eu

A’isha is a trainee solicitor at Anderson Law.

A’isha currently assists with a range of intellectual property and commercial law matters.

Prior to joining Anderson Law, A’isha qualified as a company secretary and spent five years in-house as a corporate sectretarial assistant at a multinational retail company headquartered in London. She then qualified as an attorney-at-law with a law firm in Trinidad and advised on a range of contentious and non-contentious intellectual property matters in the Caribbean.



Member of:

  • Associate of ICSA The Chartered Governance Institute
  • The Law Association of Trinidad & Tobago

  • Anderson Law, 2019 to present
  • J.D. Sellier & Co. (Trinidad and Tobago), 2013 to 2018