Francis Davey
Francis is a barrister and an associate at Anderson Law.
Francis specialises in advising clients in the IT sector and has considerable experience in contract negotiation and providing general commercial advice to technology-based start-ups. His experience as a barrister makes him especially able to handle dispute resolution.
Francis is a contributor to Law and the Internet (Lilian Edwards ed.) and lectures on e-commerce as part of the LLM course at Strathclyde University.
Francis has a degree in mathematics and a diploma in computer science. Prior to qualifying as a barrister, Francis carried out research in academic computer science and worked in IT.
- BA (Hons) Mathematics, University of Cambridge, 1989
- Diploma in Computer Science, University of Cambridge, 1990
- Diploma in Law, City University, 2002
- Bar Vocational Course, 2003
- LLM, Computer and Communications Law, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London, 2014